Blush Pink Artificial Brides Bouquet


A lovely artificial blush pink and ivory foam rose brides bouquet, finished with blush pink satin ribbon and bow.


Diameter – 9 inches

Matching bridesmaid bouquet available.


All of the bouquets on our website can be made to match your theme, contact us at with your requirements.

We can also create bespoke bouquets if you have something specific in mind.

In stock

SKU: B232 Category:


A lovely artificial blush pink and ivory foam rose brides bouquet, finished with blush pink satin ribbon and bow.


Diameter – 9 inches

Matching bridesmaid bouquet available.


All of the bouquets on our website can be made to match your theme, contact us at with your requirements.

We can also create bespoke bouquets if you have something specific in mind.

Additional information

Weight1 g


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